A bright blue with aggressive magenta sheen, but surprisingly well-behaved.
Brand | Birmingham Pen Company |
Line | |
Name | Alternating Current Tesla Coil |
Owner count | 228 |
Average Color |
Colors for this ink
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#30inks30days June 5 - Birmingham Pen Company Tesla Coil
www.youtube.com | Manda B
Today's ink is from pen friend Laura!! Thank you so much for sending this sample!
Ink: Birmingham Pen Company Rich Formula Tesla Coil
Pen: Kaweco Collection AL Sport Vibrant Violet (BB)
For #30in...
Birmingham Pens Rich Inks — Mountain of Ink
mountainofink.com | Kelli McCown
Birmingham Pens recently took all of their ink production in-house and they kindly sent me some inks to try out! Let’s take a look at three inks from the Rich series. Thanks to Birmingham Pens f...
A few Birmingham Pen Co. Inks
I recently purchased a handful of inks from Birmingham Pen Co. I had done a post about comparing some of the new inks with their previous formulas but this time I wanted to try a range of their var…
Ink Review: Birmingham Tesla Coil fountain pen ink — Inky Inspirations
www.inkyinspirations.com | Rick Knorr
Ink review of Birmingham Tesla Coil fountain pen ink.
MORE Birmingham Pen Co Fountain Pen Inks (and a few others 😊)
www.youtube.com | my dandelion diaries
This group of Birmingham Pen Co inks is courtesy of Laurie!! Thank you so much Laurie for sending these my way ❤️️
I love the difference in all these blue fountain pen inks. Do you have a favorite...
drawn with TWSBI GO fountain pen / Birmingham Pen Company / Tesla Coil sheening ink. #drawing
www.youtube.com | Mister Inky Fingers
#drawinglines #pendrawing #penart #inkdrawing #inkartworks #draw #drawings #drawing #sketchbook #inking #lineart #zendoodles #doodle #doodleart #dailydoodle ...
Names for this ink
Count | Brand | Line | |
162 | Birmingham Pen Company | Alternating Current Tesla Coil | |
25 | Birmingham Pen Company | Tesla Coil | |
11 | Birmingham Pen Company | Rich Formula | Alternating Current Tesla Coil |
5 | Birmingham Pen Company | Keystone Formula | Tesla Coil |
4 | Birmingham Pen Company | Rich | Tesla Coil |
3 | Birmingham Pen Company | Keystone | Tesla Coil |
3 | Birmingham Pen Company | Rich | Alternating Current Tesla Coil |
2 | Birmingham Pen Company | Rich Formula | Tesla Coil |
2 | Birmingham Pen Company | Keystone Formula | Alternating Current Tesla Coil |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | Subscription | Tesla Coil |
1 | Birmingham | Tesla Coil | |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | Super Rich | Alternating Current Tesla Coil |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | tesla coil | |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | Tesla coil | |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | Atomink Element | Alternating Current Tesla Coil |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | Atomink Element | Tesla Coil |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | Atomink Elements | Tesla Coil |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | blue | Tesla Coil |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | Keystone | Alternating Current Tesla Coil |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | Keystone Formula: Atomink Element | Tesla Coil |