History for Sailor Yurameku Suki Gokoro

Sailor Yurameku Suki Gokoro comes in a square 20 ml glass bottle. It is part of the second series of Sailor Yurameku inks, that all have interesting properties in regards to colours.
Suki-gokoro's colour varies a lot depending on paper. It shifts from dark teal to somewhere around  muted grey-green while drying, and this change while drying is one of its main points according to Sailor. On some papers, it dries a more blue-green, on some, greyish green. On some papers, there is a significant brownish sheen or at least layer. It can be reminiscent of Tokiwa-matsu, but paler and browner in its dried colour.

優雅で趣のある風流な心 “An elegant soul with refined taste” is written on the boxes. The kanji 心 "kokoro" stands for heart/soul/mind.
4 months ago