History for Sailor Yurameku Hana Gokoro

Sailor Yurameku Hana Gokoro comes in a square 20 ml glass bottle. It is part of the second series of Sailor Yurameku inks, that all have interesting properties in regards to colours. Hana-gokoro’s colour varies a lot depending on paper. It can fall within the ranges of purple, red, brown, grey, depending on paper. It shifts colour while drying, and this change is one of its main points according to Sailor. 
It has noticeable shading and sheen. The sheen is less shiny and more of a covering, or something that shines through like shimmer. No Yurameku ink has shimmer however.

優雅で趣のある風流な心 “An elegant soul with refined taste” is written on the boxes. The kanji 心 “kokoro” stands for heart/soul/mind.
4 months ago