History for Sailor Yurameku Date Gokoro

DarkSailor Yurameku Date Gokoro is a dark blurple ink with red sheen that makes it look purple as it dries. The colour-changing aspect is one of the main points, according to Sailor, to this second line of Yurameku inks. It comes in a square 20 ml glass bottle. 
Dategokoro’s colour varies depending on paper. It seems able to go between a saturated blue, indigo, blurple, purple, and bright purple. The sheen heightens the look, and the sheen covers a lot of the ink but isn't mirror bright.

優雅で趣のある風流な心 “An elegant soul with refined taste” is written on the boxes. The kanji 心 “kokoro” stands for heart/soul/mind.
4 months ago