History for Pennonia Draculea

Limited edition made in autumn 2021 by Pennonia. Drăculea/Dracula was based on Bram Stoker's iconic character from the gothic horror novel with the same name. It is a red dye ink with black particles. Depending on pen and paper, it ranges between dried-blood red, orange-red and red-red. The shading makes it look even more like blood, thanks to the black particles. It's well-behaved, but as with shimmer inks, it requires care to fully clean out of a pen.

When picking the pen up to write after a while at rest, the ink will look darker due to more particles coming out. Depending on paper, after drying, these may smear off a little, due to "oversaturation" of particles on the paper. If one doesn't turn the pen or otherwise agitate the ink now and then while writing, the amount of particles will lessen, showing off the brighter red of the ink.
6 months ago