Ferris Wheel Press Ferritales Tumultuous Tides


BrandFerris Wheel Press
NameTumultuous Tides
Owner count89
Average Color

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New Pen Day! Carousel Fountain Pen Review - Ferris Wheel PressTumultuous Tides
www.youtube.com | Jannah Lyon
New pen day! The new and improved Carousel Fountain Pen is now made with a strengthened material formulation that is twice as strong as before. This one comes in an ocean teal colorway called Tumul...
Tumultuous Tides Swatch - Ferris Wheel Press Ocean Teal Fountain Pen Ink
www.youtube.com | Jannah Lyon
Beautiful vibrant teal with gorgeous fine silver shimmer. This ink pairs beautifully with the new Tumultuous Tides Carousel fountain pen which even in this f...

Names for this ink

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