Wearingeul Peter and Wendy Tick Tock Croc

Tick Tock Croc, from Wearingeul’s Peter Pan line of inks, is a teal and forest green ink. There is some shading, and lines have good definition. It writes a bit dry.


LinePeter and Wendy
NameTick Tock Croc
Owner count16
Average Color

Colors for this ink


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Wearingeul Tick Tock Croc - Ink Review
www.thewritersarmory.com | Julian
Ink review #62, featuring Wearingeul Tick Tock Croc.
What's New This Week? Trying Out 10 New Inks!
www.youtube.com | The Goulet Pen Company
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Wearingeul Tic Tock Croc
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Names for this ink

12WearingeulPeter and WendyTick Tock Croc
2WearingeulTick Tock Croc
1WearingeulTic Toc Croc
1WearingeulPeter and WendyTick tock croc