Dark blurple with a hint of gold sheen, super saturated
Brand | Troublemaker |
Line | Flax Pen to Paper |
Name | Into the Depths |
Owner count | 17 |
Average Color |
Colors for this ink
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Troublemaker x Flax Pen to Paper Exclusive Ink Review — The Pen Addict
www.penaddict.com | Kimberly Lau
Names for this ink
Count | Brand | Line | |
12 | Troublemaker | Flax Pen to Paper | Into the Depths |
1 | Troublemaker | Flax Pen to Paper | Into theDepths |
1 | Troublemaker | Flax Pen to Paper | Into The Depths |
1 | Troublemaker | Flax Pen to Paper Exclusive | Into the Depths |
1 | Troublemaker | for Flax Pen to Paper | Into the Depths |
1 | Troublemaker | Fr. Flax Pen To Paper | Into the Depths |