Brand | Octopus Fluids |
Line | Write & Draw |
Name | Violet Bee |
Owner count | 27 |
Average Color |
Colors for this ink
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Ink Review: Octopus Write & Draw Inks Part 1
Today’s review is a bit different – I am showing the first half of the inks in this line rather than a more in-depth look. Vanness Pen Shop recently added a new ink manufacturer by the name o…
Octopus Fluids Write Draw Petrol — Mountain of Ink | Kelli McCown
Octopus Fluids recently came out with a line of pigmented inks called Write & Draw . Let’s take a look at five of them. You can find these inks for sale at Vanness Pens . Swabs:
#051 Octopus Write & Draw Inks - Der ultimative Wassertest - | Federstiel und Tintenklecks
Moin liebe Schreibgemeinde,
heute heisst es Wasser marsch! Janne setzt alles unter Wasser. Wir testen die neuen Octopus Write & Draw Inks auf Wasserfestigkeit.
Bestehen sie Jannes Wasserangriff?
#036 Neuheit! Octopus Fluids "Write & Draw" INKS - Review deutsch | Federstiel und Tintenklecks
Moin liebe Schreibgemeinde,
heute stellen wir Euch die nagelneue Tintenserie von Octopus Fluids vor. Es handelt sich dabei um die wasserbasierten und pigmentierten Write & Draw Inks, welche lichtec...
Names for this ink
Count | Brand | Line | |
24 | Octopus Fluids | Write & Draw | Violet Bee |
1 | Octopus Fluids | Violet Bee | |
1 | Octopus Fluids | Write & Draw | Bee Violet |
1 | Octopus Fluids | Write & Draw | Purple Bee |