Totally water-fast. Very opaque. Pleasingly bricky color.
Brand | Kakimori |
Line | |
Name | Hello |
Owner count | 10 |
Average Color |
Colors for this ink
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Say Hello to Kakimori "Hello" from Yoseka! | Mike Matteson
This is the first Kakimori ink that I've used, and it's made me a fan. These inks are pigmented and opaque with that look that only a pigmented ink can give you. Hello is a Yoseka exclusive that is...
Names for this ink
Count | Brand | Line | |
5 | Kakimori | Hello | |
2 | Yoseka Stationery | Hello | |
1 | Kakimori | Yoseka | Hello |
1 | Kakimori | Yoseka Exclusive | Hello |
1 | Kakimori | Yoseka Stationary Exclusive | Hello |