Bookbinders Blue Coral Snake


NameBlue Coral Snake
Owner count17
Average Color

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    Bookbinders Blue Coral Snake Ink Revisited And Re-Reviewed
    A while ago I’ve reviewed Bookbinders Blue Coral Snake Ink. The sample I’ve received was unusable – it contained some sediment and because of oily consistency it wouldn’t fl…
    Blue Coral Snake – Bookbinder’s Snake Ink
    Bookbinders is an Australian online store that creators claim to be  “on a relentless quest in search of products that will fire the imagination of the 21st century writer”. There mauy …
    Ink Review: Bookbinders Snake Ink - Emerald Boa & Blue Coral | Mick L
    A short review of two inks from Bookbinders in Australia. from the Snake Ink line: Emerald Boa (a really nice, bright green) and Blue Coral (a vibrant light blue/turquoise with some great sheen). ...
    Ink Review: Bookbinders Snake Ink Sampler Set
    While at the San Fransisco Pen Show, I was able to acquire a coveted box of Bookbinders Snake Ink sampler bottles. It probably helped that I was working at the Anderson Pens table directly across f…

    Names for this ink

    12BookbindersBlue Coral Snake
    2BookbindersBlue Coral
    1BookbindersBlue coral
    1BookbindersSnake InkBlue Coral
    1BookbindersSnake InkBlue Coral Snake