Dusty grey-purple.
Brand | Birmingham Pen Company |
Line | Autumn |
Name | Armadillo |
Owner count | 82 |
Average Color |
Colors for this ink
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Light Purple Fountain Pen Ink 💜 | Ink Exploration No. 25
www.youtube.com | my dandelion diaries
Light purple ink is such a fun color to write with!! It has this "dreamy" look to it and I LOVE it! This continues the purple fountain pen ink explorations, but is only the beginning! As always, I ...
Swatching Birmingham Pen Company Inks!
www.youtube.com | my dandelion diaries
First impressions of Birmingham Pen Company inks! I must have been sleeping under a rock not to have tried these inks before, but let me just say they are GORGEOUS. I'm super excited to try more of...
NEW INK DAY! Birmingham Pen Company
www.youtube.com | inksplat! | Manda B
In today's video, I swatch some inks I ordered from Birmingham Pen Company! I'm a big fan of their inks, but I haven't ordered from them in a while, and wanted to get a few bottles! As usual, I was...
Birmingham Pen Company Ink Swatches
www.youtube.com | The Joy in Pens and Paper
This video is a review of five inks from Birmingham Pen Company
FOUNTAIN PEN INK HAUL // Inks from Friends! // Birmingham Pen Co, Colorverse, Vinta, Jinhao, Lamy
www.youtube.com | KarynaLovesToPlan
Thanks for watching my #fountainpenink haul and all the #inkswatch I do!
*My Shop* - Brush Lettered Script Stickers http://shopkarynalovestoplan.com
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Birmingham Pen Co Armadillo
www.youtube.com | Miss Marilyn Darling
Ink Swatches with Friends: I didn't know Jinhao made inks.
www.youtube.com | seemownay
At the SF Pen Show 2023, I met Pamela who gave me a huge bag filled with samples. Even though I have swatched so many inks now, she managed to give me inks, I've never seen before.
Inks Swatched:...
Names for this ink
Count | Brand | Line | |
46 | Birmingham Pen Company | Autumn | Armadillo |
26 | Birmingham Pen Company | Armadillo | |
5 | Birmingham Pen Company | Keystone | Armadillo |
3 | Birmingham Pen Company | Keystone Formula | Armadillo |
1 | Birmingham | Writing Ink | Armadillo |
1 | Birmingham Pen Co. | Armadillo |