Brand | Birmingham Pen Company |
Line | Wishy-Washy |
Name | Kingfisher |
Owner count | 69 |
Average Color |
Colors for this ink
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Birmingham Pens Inks Part 4 — Mountain of Ink | Kelli McCown
We have four more Birmingham Pens inks to look at: Sterling Silver (Wishy-washy collection), Eroded Bronze (Crisp), Kingfisher (Wishy-washy) and Jade Inferno (Rich). Thanks to Birmingham Pens f...
Swatching Birmingham Pen Company Inks! | my dandelion diaries
First impressions of Birmingham Pen Company inks! I must have been sleeping under a rock not to have tried these inks before, but let me just say they are GORGEOUS. I'm super excited to try more of...
Names for this ink
Count | Brand | Line | |
47 | Birmingham Pen Company | Wishy-Washy | Kingfisher |
13 | Birmingham Pen Company | Kingfisher | |
3 | Birmingham Pen Company | Delicate Formula | Kingfisher |
2 | Birmingham Pen Company | Wishy-Washy Formula | Kingfisher |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | Keystone Formula | Kingfisher |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | Delicate | Kingfisher |
1 | Birmingham Pen Co. | Kingfisher | |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | Wishy Washy Formula | Kingfisher |