Brand | Birmingham Pen Company |
Line | |
Name | Allegheny Observatory Celestial Blue |
Owner count | 70 |
Average Color |
Colors for this ink
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Ink Brand Overview: The New Birmingham Pen Company Inks
I was a loyal subscriber of the Birmingham Pen Company Pen Parcel ink subscription for several years. This habit meant I ended up with almost 100 bottles of their ink. Each color is named after a p…
Swatching Birmingham Pen Company Fountain Pen Inks | my dandelion diaries
I have been sitting with these inks for a little over a month and I am so excited to show them to you! This group of Birmingham Pen Co fountain pen inks are ones I hoped would have good shading, an...
Ink Review #33: Birmingham Allegheny Observatory Celestial Blue
Today I will be reviewing my first Birmingham ink. Celestial Blue is a well-mannered navy with plenty of shading. The ink is named after ...
Names for this ink
Count | Brand | Line | |
53 | Birmingham Pen Company | Allegheny Observatory Celestial Blue | |
5 | Birmingham Pen Company | Celestial Blue | |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | celestial blue | |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | SAMPLE | Allegheny Observatory Celestial Blue |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | Standard | Allegheny Observatory Celestial Blue |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | Swift | Allegheny Observatory Celestial Blue |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | Swift Formula | Allegheny Observatory Celestial Blue |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | Swift Formula | Allegheny Observatory, Celestial Blue |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | Swift Formula | Celestial Blue |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | Writing Ink | Allegheny Celestial Blue |
1 | Birmingham Pens | Allegheny Observatory Celestial Blue | |
1 | Birmingham Pen Co. | Keystone Formula | Celestial Blue |
1 | Birmingham Pens | Observatory Celestial Blue | |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | Allegheny Observatory Celestial Blue |