Brand | Birmingham Pen Company |
Line | |
Name | Waterfront Dusk |
Owner count | 211 |
Average Color |
Colors for this ink
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Birmingham – Waterfront Dusk
Birmingham – Waterfront Dusk The Birmingham Pen Co.’s line of inks (30 colors at the time of writing) feature various colors based on or inspired by notable locations or people associated with its ...
Birmingham Pen Co. - Waterfront Dusk
Birmingham Pen Company is a store in Pennsylvania with its own line of budget-friendly, mysteriously complex dark shades of inks: This is a review of B...
Ink test: Birmingham Waterfront Dusk | AkselA
Testing Birmingham Waterfront Dusk in TWSBI Go B, Birmingham Sixth Avenue Nemosine B and Kaweco Sport F.Similarly to Boiler Steam, Waterfront Dusk is velvet ...
Birmingham Pen Co Waterford Dusk | An Ink Guy
Birmingham Pen Co Waterford Dusk is a purple ink.First writing sample is don’t on Clairfontaine, Tomoe River and Rhodia Paper. 0:40Chromatography: 3:01Resis...
Ink test: Birmingham Waterfront Dusk & Boiler Steam | AkselA
I wanted have a second go with the Birmingham inks, using different pens and paper. I've enjoyed these inks in every pen I've tried so far, for different rea...
Ink Brand Overview: The New Birmingham Pen Company Inks
I was a loyal subscriber of the Birmingham Pen Company Pen Parcel ink subscription for several years. This habit meant I ended up with almost 100 bottles of their ink. Each color is named after a p…
Names for this ink
Count | Brand | Line | |
176 | Birmingham Pen Company | Waterfront Dusk | |
7 | Birmingham Pen Company | Swift Formula | Waterfront Dusk |
6 | Birmingham Pen Company | Keystone Formula | Waterfront Dusk |
5 | Birmingham Pen Company | Swift | Waterfront Dusk |
3 | Birmingham Pens | Waterfront Dusk | |
2 | Birmingham Pen Company | Keystone | Waterfront Dusk |
2 | Birmingham Pen Company | The Waterfront Waterfront Dusk | |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | SAMPLE | Waterfront Dusk |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | Traditional Formula | Waterfront Dusk |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | Writing Ink | Waterfront Dusk |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | New Formula | Waterfront Desk |
1 | Birmingham Pen Co | Waterfront Dusk | |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | waterfront dusk | |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | Waterfront dusk | |
1 | Birmingham | Waterfront Dusk | |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | old/mislabeled | Waterfront Dusk |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | Purple | Waterfront Dusk |