Mysterious teal that leans blue-grey in natural daylight and green-grey in indoor incandescent lighting. Recipe: + 16 Parts Teaberry Ice Cream + 8 Parts Hibiscus + 1 Part Tiger Lily + 3 Parts Dilution Solution
Brand | Birmingham Pen Company |
Line | |
Name | Puce Lagoon |
Owner count | 27 |
Average Color |
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Count | Brand | Line | |
19 | Birmingham Pen Company | Puce Lagoon | |
4 | Birmingham Pen Company | Keystone Formula | Puce Lagoon |
2 | Birmingham Pen Company | Keystone | Puce Lagoon |
1 | Birmingham Pen Co. | Hummingbird Ink Bundle | Puce Lagoon |
1 | Birmingham Pen Company | Keystone Formula (Hummingbird Bundle) | Puce Lagoon |