Bright blue ink with great properties. Has red sheen on good papers.
Brand | Sailor |
Line | Jentle |
Name | Blue |
Owner count | 160 |
Average Color |
Colors for this ink
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Ink Review #363: Sailor Jentle Blue — Mountain of Ink | Kelli McCown
Ink review of Sailor Jentle Blue.
Sailor Blue Ink Review & Giveaway - Pen Chalet
Read about the Sailor Blue Ink before you buy. See why writers love this basic blue fountain pen ink. Buy a bottle of Sailor Blue Ink today!
Names for this ink
Count | Brand | Line | |
91 | Sailor | Jentle | Blue |
56 | Sailor | Blue | |
2 | Sailor | Jentle Blue | |
2 | Sailor | Basic | Blue |
1 | Sailor | Classic | Blue |
1 | Sailor | Ink | Blue |
1 | Sailor | Sailor | Blue |
1 | Sailor | Sailor Ink | Blue |
1 | Sailor | Slim | Blue |
1 | Sailor | Standard | Blue |
1 | Salior | Blue | |
1 | Salior | Jentle | Blue |
1 | Sailor | Chalana | Blue |