Rohrer & Klingner Alt-Goldgrün

A fresh yellow-green ink with khaki undertones.


BrandRohrer & Klingner
Owner count1055
Average Color


Ink Review #600: Rohrer and Klingner Alt-Goldgrun — Mountain of Ink | Kelli McCown
Ink review of Rohrer and Klingner Alt-goldgrun.
Ink Review: Rohrer & Klingner Alt-Goldgrün
Pretty much my favorite part of using fountain pens is the wide variety of ink that you get to use as a result.  I am a serial ink switcher.  I generally only fill up each converter about half-way,...
Rohrer & Klingner Alt-Goldgrun ink review
Here I am, finally able to review one of the ink samples that I still have an abundance of. I asked you a while back if you would like to pa...
Rohrer & Klingner Alt-Goldgrün | Liz McGuire
Review of Rohrer & Klingner Alt-Goldgrün fountain pen ink using a Pilot Penmanship EF nib. Screenshot: Scan of Completed Re...
Alt-Goldgrun – Rohrer & Klingner
Rohrer & Klingner operates since 1892. At the moment it’s the fifth generation of the family that manages the company. I guess that after 122 years they know what they are doing. R&K …
Ink Review: Rohrer & Klingner "Alt-Goldgrün" Ink | VittaR
Here I review an ink by Rohrer & Klingner, by the title of "Alt-Goldgrün" (a semi-light medium-Green ink, with beautiful shading, and wet flow). Here-in may be found my own thoughts and opinions on...
Rohrer and Klingner Alt Goldgrun and Fountain Pens | gadgetstop321
In this video I test Rohrer and Klingner Alt Goldgrun in a variety of pens and nib sizes.
Rohrer & Klingner: Alt-Goldgrun
Rohrer & Klingner Alt-Goldgrun is a really lovely olive green, pea soup color. Up until fairly recently, this was the only game in town if you wanted this color. And even now, this is still the…
Rohrer and Klingner Alt Goldgrun Old Golden Green | An Ink Guy
Rohrer and Klingner Alt Goldgrun Old Golden Green is a green fountain pen ink.Here on the channel there is a new ink review posted daily. I get inks test ...
Rohrer & Klingner Alt-Goldgrün | Captain on the Bridge | The Inked Well
#RohrerAndKlingner #GreenInk #EndlessWorks #AtelierLusso #RhodiaThis week, we take a look at what happens when I cave in to peer pressure. Now, it doesn't ta...
inchiostro R&K old golden green Rohrer & Klingner Alt Goldgrun | Marco Chiari
inchiostro ink R&K old golden green Rohrer & Klingner Alt Goldgrun Stilograficart presenta recensioni e tutorial sui modelli più conosciuti di penne stilografiche ,carte, inchiostri, pennini in oro...
Montblanc Starwalker Ceramics / Rohrer & Klingner Alt‑Goldgrün / Fountain Pen Review | What I Ink
Review of the Montblanc Starwalker Ceramics fountain pen and Rohrer & Klingner Alt‑Goldgrün ink. NOTE: Some updated information can be found in this video: What I Ink...
Waterman 94 Music Nib + Rohrer & Klingner Alt-Goldgrün | Gourmet Pens
Sick of seeing this nib yet? Oh well. Then don't watch :) In a Clairefontaine Basics Wirebound Notebook. I reviewed this notebook here:
🌵 24 Green Fountain Pen Inks 🌵 | Season 2 Ink Exploration No. 5 | my dandelion diaries
Welcome back to ink explorations by color! But, also with different brands. My goal for this second season of fountain pen ink explorations is to have a variety of brands for each color family. We ...
Ink swatch with me! Rohrer & Klingner Cassia, Alt-Goldgrun, and Scabiosa fountain pen inks | Kikay Krafts
Rohrer & Klingner are new-to-me inks, so I wasn't sure what to expect. I only know that Alt-Goldgrun is quite a popular green and, since the shop had a few other ones, I went and got purples too. B...
Some Green Inks
Hello everyone,Here you have two green inks sets comparison (2 x 24). Maybe someone find it useful Paper: Clairefontaine Triomphe (90gsm, lined)Fountain Pen: custom made pen with Jowo #6 steel fine...
Ink Review: Rohrer & Klingner Altgoldgrün * 3 Things I would do differently in Life. | seemownay
In these Ink Journal Entries, I share a little introduction and review of one specific fountain pen ink and then talk about a question or topic I heard on one of the many podcasts I listen to. Some...
Rohrer&Klingner オールドゴールデングリーン old golden green【万年筆インクレビュー】 | niki.notebook
00:23 インクと万年筆紹介 01:18 ふでで書く 02:33 万年筆・ガラスペンで書く 04:34 綿棒で書く(重ね塗りテスト) 05:03 乾く時間 05:41 レビュー 07:02 私の採点&ひとこと 08:04 らくがきtime! 09:14 黒との相性 09:42 耐水性テスト 10:04 インクの濃淡 10:26 全体を見る ドイツの老舗インクメーカー ローラー&クライナー...
Ink Swatches: Sailor Shikiori, Rohrer & Klingner Altgoldgrün, Diamine Oxblood & Deep Magenta | seemownay
Enjoyed the video? Buy me a coffee to help support the channel and help me to keep devoting the time needed to upload these videos - You can find me here: Ko-Fi: http...
All My Green Inks // FOUNTAIN PEN INK EXPLORATION #fountainpenink | KarynaLovesToPlan
In honour of St. Patrick's Day (since my husband is half Irish and therefore my kids are a quarter Irish), here are all the green #fountainpen inks I currently own! How many do you have? #fountainp...
Green Inks Comparison #1 | Penultimate Dave
In this video I show Green Fountain Pen Inks that I have in my collection. Inks compared in this video - Rohrer & Klingner Alt Goldrün - Akkerman Denneweg Groen - Akkerman Bezuidenwoudgroen - Akke...
Rohrer & Klingner Inks Comparison #1 | Penultimate Dave
In this video I compare my Rohrer and Klingner Fountain Pen inks that I have in my collection. Inks in this comparison: - Rohrer and Klingner Helianthus - Rohrer and Klingner Blu Mare - Rohrer a...
Ink Review #14: Rohrer & Klingner Alt-Goldgrun
  Today I will be reviewing Rohrer & Klingner: Alt-Goldgrun. Swabs:  This ink had no sheen but high shading which I love. This is a cool yel...

Names for this ink

977Rohrer & KlingnerAlt-Goldgrün
21Rohrer & KlingnerAlt-Goldgrun
15Rohrer & KlingnerSchreibtinteAlt-Goldgrün
8Rohrer & KlingnerAlt-Goldgrün Old Golden Green
5Rohrer & KlingnerAlt Goldgrun
3Rohrer & KlingnerStandardAlt-Goldgrün
3Rohrer & KlingnerAlt Goldgrün
2Rohrer & KlingnerAlt - Goldgrun
2Rohrer & KlingnerAlt-goldgrun
2Rohrer & KlingnerAlt Goldgruen
2Rohrer & KlingnerWriting InkAlt-Goldgrün
1Rohrer & KlingnerSchreibetinteAlt-Goldgrün
1Rohrer & KlingnerSchreibtintaAlt-Goldgrün
1SchreibtinteAit Goldgrun
1Rohrer & KlingnerAlt-Goldgruen
1Rohrer & KlingnerAlt Gold-grün
1Rohrer & KlingnerAlt-Goldgrün #530
1Rohrer & KlingnerAlt Goldrun
1Rohrer & KlingnerOld Golden Green
1Rohrer & KlingnerCoreAlt-Goldgrün
1Rohrer & KlingnerDocumental Permanent InkAlt-Goldgrün
1Rohrer & KlingnerGreen 1Alt-Goldgrün
1Rohrer & KlingnerIron GallAlt-Goldgrün
1Rohrer & KlingnerRegularAlt-Goldgrün