Kobe #61 Yukigosho Sakura


Name#61 Yukigosho Sakura
Owner count33
Average Color

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Ink Review #1400: Kobe 61 Yuki Gosho Cherry Blossom — Mountain of Ink
mountainofink.com | Kelli McCown
Valentine’s Day is on Sunday so this week we’ve been focusing on pink inks! Today’s pink: Nagasawa Kobe #61 Yuki Gosho Cherry Blossom (say that five times fast…). You can find this ink for sale a...

Names for this ink

24Kobe#61 Yukigosho Sakura
1Kobe#61 Yuki Gosho Sakura
1KobeSakura#61 Yukigosho Sakura
1KobeStandard#61 Yukinogoshou Zakura
1NagasawaKobe#61 Yukigosho Sakura
1NagasawaKobe#61 Yukinogosho Sakura
1Nagasawa Kobe061 Snow Garden Zakura Raku
1SailorKobe#61 Snow Garden Zakura Raku
1SailorKobe#61 Yuki Gosho Cherry Blossom
1SailorKobeGosho Cherry Blossom