Bungubox Omaezaki Sea


NameOmaezaki Sea
Owner count41
Average Color

Colors for this ink



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    Sailor Bungubox Omaezaki Sea
    Following up Akkerman's Shocking Blue isn't easy, but this one is in the same vein, so it's next! I don't have many of these Bungbox ink...
    Sailor Bungbox Omaezaki Sea
    www.youtube.com | Mike Matteson
    Check out this review of Sailor's Omaezaki Sea for Bungbox. It's a really nice blue ink that looks a bit like Akkerman #5, but with a lighter blue hue and le...

    Names for this ink

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    4SailorBung BoxOmaezaki Sea
    3BunguboxOmaezaki Ruri Kaishoku (Omaezaki Ocean)
    2BunguboxOmaezaki Ruri-umi
    2SailorBunguboxOmaezaki Azure Sea
    1Bungu BoxOmaezaki Azure Sea
    1Bung BoxOmaezaki Sea
    1SailorJentleOmaezaki Sea
    1BunguboxOmaezaki Azure Sea
    1BunguboxOmaezaki Ruri Kaishoku
    1Bunguboxomaezaki ruri sea
    1BunguboxOmaezaki Ruri Umi-iro Sea Lapis Blue
    1BunguboxOmaezaki Ruri-Umi Sea