Sailor Yurameku Zare Gokoro

Sailor Yurameku Zare Gokoro comes in a square 20 ml glass bottle. It is part of the second series of Sailor Yurameku inks, that all have interesting properties in regards to colours. Zaregokoro’s colour varies a lot depending on paper. While drying, it shifts colour, one of its main points according to Sailor. It starts out looking blue-black, but dries to, depending on paper, indigo, grey, blue or somewhere around there. It has noticeable shading and a sort of sheen which seems more like an overlaying colour on many papers (on others, however, it is a strong but not shiny sheen). This, too, varies depending on paper, but generally seems to veer brown, bourdeaux or black.

優雅で趣のある風流な心 “An elegant soul with refined taste” is written on the boxes. The kanji 心 “kokoro” stands for heart/soul/mind.


NameZare Gokoro
Owner count109
Average Color

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Names for this ink

100SailorYuramekuZare Gokoro
2SailorZare Gokoro
1SailorYurameku v2Zare Gokoro
1SailorYuramekoZare Gokoro
1SailorYurameku - 2d edZare Gokoro
1SailorYurameku (2nd Season)Zare Gokoro