Kala Ink Nostalgia / Tribute to Neon Skinney


BrandKala Ink
LineNostalgia / Tribute to Neon
Owner count23
Average Color

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Ink Review #368: Kala Nostalgia Skinney (Neon Yellow) — Fountain Pen Pharmacist
fountainpenpharmacist.com | fountainpen_pharmd
Today we’ll be reviewing Kala Skinney, a highlighter yellow. Swabs:

Names for this ink

15Kala InkNostalgia / Tribute to NeonSkinney
1KalaNostalgia / Tribute to NeonSkinney
1KalaNostalgia / Tribute to NeonSkinney (Neon Yellow)
1Kala InkSkinney Neon Yellow
1Kala InkNeonSkinney - Neon Yellow
1Kala InkNeon CollectionSkinney
1Kala InkNostalgia / Tribute to NeonNeon yellow Skinney
1Kala InkNostalgia / Tribute to NeonSkinney Neon Yellow